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I have started with the online language classes almost one year ago and for me it is the perfect alternative for normal in-class lessons. It helps me a lot to fit my language classes in with my university schedule, furthermore it enables me to continue with my Italian also during holidays or in the current situation due to Covid-19.
For me online classes are a consistently positive experience because it totally reaches the level of usual lessons because my teacher always provides very good and helpful materials like audios or worksheets which I can either how print out or work on it on my laptop.

Also, it makes such a difference if you do an online language program or actually have the possibility to do conversation and ask questions. When I went back to Germany after my first university year in Milan I also downloaded such a program to keep to it but even if I regularly studied it didn ́t really help me at all.

After my second year instead, I did some skype lessons during the summer break and when I returned to Milan my teacher even saw an improvement.